What Melted Cop Cars 7 Blocks From WTC On 911?
What Melted Cop Cars 7 Blocks From WTC On 911?
The official story about 911 is that burning airplane fuel weakened the steel buildings at the World Trade Center, causing them to collapse. But if that is true, how can one explain the strange damage inflicted upon autos as far away as FDR drive (7 blocks from the WTC )?
A reported 1400 vehicles were damaged on 9/11. [
Reference] These vehicles had peculiar patterns of damage and some were as far
away as FDR Drive (about 7 blocks from the WTC, along the East River). Vehicles had
missing door handles for example, windows blown out, window frames deformed, melted
engine blocks, steel-belted tires with only the steel belts left, and vehicle front
ends destroyed with little or no effect on the back end of the vehicles. What could
have caused such extraordinary damage? Portions of cars burned while paper nearby did

Peculiar wilting of car doors and deformed window surrounds on FDR Drive.

Map of lower Manhattan shows the WTC and FDR Drive a half mile or more apart.

Blistered car on FDR Drive with unburned upholstery and unburned plastic window

Front half of a car burned with a shiny, unburned rear end.

What burned and dragged these cars and mangled the left rear wheel? Where are the
door handles?

What was this thing across the street? Was it a car? Was it a van? What caused that
line of burn marks on the hood of the car in the foreground on the right? In the left
foreground, the remains of a vehicle sit atop a white sedan. Are we looking at the
front or the back end? It looks like the front end and if it is, its engine is
missing. We can see daylight through the wheelwell.
Peeling Appearance
Many vehicles had their outer surface peeled away like a sardine can. In some
instances, clearly there is more than peeling paint was involved. It appears that the
sheet metal delaminated as though something caused the material to melt or
disintegrate at a certain depth. In some cases it appears that there was more heat
damage inside than outside and vice versa.

What happened to the axles, wheels, and tires? On the doors, it appears that a heavy
layer of paint peeled down from the top, yet the paint on the lower part of the doors
has not been peeled away. Wow did the wheel get under the rear suspension?

The car with the flat tire appears to have "wilted" from heat, from the top down,
leaving a peeling appearance on the back end. The SUV on its right is missing all its
window glass except for the windshield. The vehicle on the far right has no trace of
tires, no door handles, no tail lights, and no windows. Why?

The peeling on the side door appears to be delaminated. Sheet metal is not
laminated, so why would it do this?

Why does this ambulance have melted inside doors? The inside looks to have suffered
more heat damage than the outside. What would cause that?

Oddly enough, there were also toasted cars at the Pentagon on 9/11. This is the same
vehicle shown in the previous figure after the fires were extinguished. Why is the
passenger door burned? Note how the hood is curled up.
Other Anomalies
The pictures below document a wide variety of damage to vehicles, including total
incineration of vehicles, toasted and disappeared engine blocks, steel-belted tires
with no rubber and only steel belts, deformed wheels, missing grills, broken and
missing vehicle windows and mirrors, no door handles, wilted doors, and unburned
paper next to burning cars.

A badly damaged firetruck. Where did its engine go? The bottom of the tire has
turned to goo below a distict horizontal line in the tire.

A FDMY Hazmat truck in front of WTC6 on West Street. The remaining upper part of the
truck has been peeled and evaporated in areas. The upper part of the cab is gone and
the engine block seems to have disappeared. The photo was taken on 9/11 after WTC1
disappeared but before WTC7 collapsed.
Why would the front of this fire truck wilt?

Is there something attractive about engine blocks? Why not gasoline fuel tanks?

The mail truck parked on the left side of the street looks burnt. Why? The building
on the left is the USPS Federal Building and on the right is WTC7. WTC5 is on fire at
the end of the street. Why? If this area is hot enough for spontaneous combustion,
why isn't the paper on fire? The cars on the right side of the street are also
Aerial view of lower Manhattan.

Cars along FDR drive were randomly toasted. These cars are at least 1/2 mile away
from the WTC. Note the waviness of the tire tracks. What happened?
Did one car run under the other during the event or were they stacked after the
event? The marks in the pavement suggest they were pushed to the side of the

Wheels appear to have steel-belts from the tires still on them.

The front end of this FDNY car is toasted and mildly deformed, while the door
appears undamaged and the window glass is intact. The debris on this car suggests it
was near the WTC.

While the bodies of these toasted vehicles still exist, they've been incinerated.
All of the softer materials inside and out have disappeared.

This Toasted Interior was consumed except for the fire extinguisher.

The front half of car 2723 is toasted, but check out the new wax job on the back.
Notice the missing front door handle and the untouched back door handle.

What happened to the top half of car 1250? The doors are crinkled up, but the rear
tire looks OK.

There is extensive damage to the front of car 2723, including no door handle on the
driver's door. There is an unusual, unburned circular area on the rear door.
In the debate over toasted cars ignited by this article, some have argued that the
wrecked vehicles on FDR drive were damaged at the WTC and were loaded up and transported and
dumped on FDR drive for storage. First, there is no evidence that this was done.
Second, it makes no sense to load up wrecks, transport them, only to dump them in a
busy thoroughfare for storage. These wrecks would have had to be picked up yet again
and transported again. If vehicles were truly moved from the WTC to FDR Drive, we
wonder why WTC steel beams were not stacked up on FDR drive, as well, if it was such
a good storage area. Third, governments may be stupid, but we doubt they could be
this inefficient. If reported, it would have been a minor scandal. Fourth, we might
be wrong about the facts here, but it looks like the motive for this speculation
about shifting wrecks around lower Manhattan is to protect the official story or
thermite story or other pet theories. We fail to see any other explanation for such a
"forced" interpretation for these photographs. Fifth, marks on the roadway suggest
that some of these vehicles were pushed to the side of the roadway until they could
be removed. For example, see this figure. This is a
more natural explanation for why some of the cars appear to have been moved from
where they were damaged rather than all the way from the WTC.
Burning Cars

This fire seems to be very selective.

A minivan is consumed by flames. The fire rages inside the vehicle, contained by the
remaining windows. The fire appears more intense at the front where the engine

The tires and even the pavement under the car are on fire. The windows appear to be
intact with no visible interior fire. There is line of fire along the trunk lid. The
right front fender is deformed and has turned white.

A fire rages, apparently on Vesey Street, sending up thick black smoke. These may be
the vehicles that eyewitness described as she ran past WTC6 during the destruction of

Why doesn't the paper burn?
Missing Windows

No window? What happened to the rear-view mirror?

Why is the rubber window gasket hanging outward?

Sans windows. (But nice tire!)

Why is the paper shredded but nothing else apparently disturbed?

What blew out the windows without damaging the rest of the fire truck?

The window gasket is on the outside. What blew out the windows? What dislodged the
front grill?

It didn't blow out just the middle portion of the windows; it blew out the windows
all the way back to the frame where it was mounted.

Hosing down the windowless fire truck.

Final cleaning of the windowless fire truck. Notice its grill is missing.

What could have caused such extensive damage to this car? Has the passenger side
shoulder harness survived? Where's the steering wheel?

Why is this fire truck burnt? It is missing its front grill, headlights, and related
fron end brightwork. Where are the tires?
Most of the 1400 toasted cars had some, if not all, windows missing. What would
cause this? Figure yy, below, shows a silver convertible with its top apparently
intact but missing some of its window glass. If the windows were blown out from
pressure inside, we would expect the convertible top to have been torn or blown off.
This suggests that the windows were not blown out by internal pressure, but may have
been shattered by some other mechanism.

The cars parked in the back suffered extensive damage. The car on the left and on
the far right look like they have had their engines eaten. The cars in the foreground
experienced less damage, but many windows are missing, however partial and whole
windows also remain.

Why is this windshield crumpled up? Curiously, the interior of the car does not
appear to contain anything that crashed through the windshield.
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Actor Charlie Sheen Questions Official 9/11 Story

Calls for truly independent investigation, joins growing ranks of
prominent credible whistleblowers
Alex Jones & Paul Joseph Watson/Prison Planet.com
| March 20 2006
Actor Charlie Sheen has joined a growing army of other highly credible
public figures in questioning the official story of 9/11 and calling for a new
independent investigation of the attack and the circumstances surrounding
Over the past two years, scores of highly regarded individuals have gone
public to express their serious doubts about 9/11. These include former
presidential advisor and CIA analyst
Ray McGovern, the father of Reaganomics and former Assistant
Secretary of the US Treasury
Paul Craig Roberts, BYU physics Professor
Steven Jones, former German defense minister Andreas von
Buelow, former MI5 officer
David Shayler, former Blair cabinet member Michael
Meacher, former Chief Economist for the Department of Labor during
President George W. Bush's first term
Morgan Reynolds and many more.
Speaking to The Alex Jones Show on the GCN Radio Network, the star of
current hit comedy show Two and a Half Men and dozens of movies including
Platoon and Young Guns, Sheen elaborated on why he had problems believing the
government's version of events.
Sheen agreed that the biggest conspiracy theory was put out by the
government itself and prefaced his argument by quoting Theodore Roosevelt in
stating, "That we are to stand by the President right or wrong is not only
unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American
"We're not the conspiracy theorists on this particular issue," said
"It seems to me like 19 amateurs with box cutters taking over four
commercial airliners and hitting 75% of their targets, that feels like a
conspiracy theory. It raises a lot of questions."
Sheen described the climate of acceptance for serious discussion about 9/11
as being far more fertile than it was a couple of years ago.
"It feels like from the people I talk to in and around my circles, it seems
like the worm is turning."

Suspicious collapse of buildings
Sheen described his immediate skepticism regarding the official reason for
the collapse of the twin towers and building 7 on the day of 9/11.
"I was up early and we were gonna do a pre-shoot on Spin City, the show I
used to do, I was watching the news and the north tower was burning. I saw the
south tower hit live, that famous wide shot where it disappears behind the
building and then we see the tremendous fireball."
"There was a feeling, it just didn't look any commercial jetliner I've flown
on any time in my life and then when the buildings came down later on that day
I said to my brother 'call me insane, but did it sorta look like those
buildings came down in a controlled demolition'?"
Sheen said that most people's gut instinct, that the buildings had been
deliberately imploded, was washed away by the incessant flood of the official
version of events from day one.
Sheen questioned the plausibility of a fireballs traveling 1100 feet down an
elevator shaft and causing damage to the lobbies of the towers as seen in video
footage, especially when contrasted with
eyewitness accounts of bombs and explosions in the
basement levels of the buildings.
Regarding building 7, which wasn't hit by a plane, Sheen highlighted the use
of the term "pull," a demolition industry term for pulling the outer walls of
the building towards the center in an implosion, as was used by Larry Silverstein in
a September 2002 PBS documentary when he said that the decision to
"pull" building 7 was made before its collapse. This technique ensures the
building collapses in its own footprint and can clearly be seen during the
collapse of building 7 with the classic 'crimp' being visible.

The highly suspicious collapse of building 7 and the twin towers has
previously been put under the spotlight by
physics Professor Steven Jones and
Kevin Ryan of Underwriters Laboratories, the company that
certified the steel components used in the construction of the World Trade
Center towers.
"The term 'pull' is as common to the demolition world as 'action and 'cut'
are to the movie world," said Sheen.
Sheen referenced firefighters in the buildings who were eyewitnesses
to demolition style implosions and bombs.
"This is not you or I watching the videos and speculating on what we saw,
these are gentlemen inside the buildings at the very point of collapse."
"If there's a problem with building 7 then there's a problem with the whole
thing," said Sheen.
Bush's behavior on 9/11
Sheen then questioned President Bush's actions on 9/11 and his location at
the Booker Elementary School in Florida. Once Andy Card had whispered to Bush
that America was under attack why didn't the secret service immediately whisk
Bush away to a secret location?
By remaining at a location where it was publicly known the President would
be before 9/11, he was not only putting his own life in danger, but the lives
of hundreds of schoolchildren. That is unless the government knew for sure what
the targets were beforehand and that President Bush wasn't one of them.
"It seems to me that upon the revelation of that news that the secret
service would grab the President as if he was on fire and remove him from that
room," said Sheen.

The question of how Bush saw the first plane hit the north tower, when no
live footage of that incident was carried, an assertion that Bush repeated
twice, was also put under the spotlight.
"I guess one of the perks of being President is that you get access to TV
channels that don't exist in the known universe," said Sheen.
"It might lead you to believe that he'd seen similar images in some type of
rehearsal as it were, I don't know."
The Pentagon incident
Sheen outlined his disbelief that the official story of what happened at the
Pentagon matched the physical evidence.
"Show us this incredible maneuvering, just show it to us. Just show us how
this particular plane pulled off these maneuvers. 270 degree turn at 500 miles
and hour descending 7,000 feet in two and a half minutes, skimming across
treetops the last 500 meters."
We have not been able to confirm that a large commercial airliner hit the
Pentagon because the government has seized and refused to release any footage
that would show the impact.
"I understand in the interest of national security that maybe not release
the Pentagon cameras but what about the Sheraton, what about the gas station,
what about the Department of Transportation freeway cam? What about all these
shots that had this thing perfectly documented? Instead they put out five
frames that they claim not to have authorized, it's really suspicious," said

Sheen also questioned how the plane basically disappeared into the Pentagon
with next to no wreckage and no indication of what happened to the wing
Concerning how the Bush administration had finalized Afghanistan war plans
two days before 9/11 with the massing of 44,000 US troops and 18,000 British
troops in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, and in addition the call for "some
catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor," as outlined in
the PNAC
documents, Sheen stated, "you don't really put those strategies
together overnight do you for a major invasion? Those are really well
calculated and really well planned."
"Coincidence? We think not," said Sheen and he called the PNAC quotes
"emblematic of the arrogance of this administration."
A real investigation
Sheen joined others in calling for a revised and truly independent
investigation of 9/11.
Sheen said that "September 11 wasn't the Zapruder film, it was the Zapruder
film festival," and that the inquiry had to be, "headed, if this is possible,
by some neutral investigative committee. What if we used retired political
foreign nationals? What if we used experts that don't have any ties whatsoever
to this administration?"
"It is up to us to reveal the truth. It is up to us because we owe it to the
families, we owe it to the victims. We owe it to everybody's life who was
drastically altered, horrifically that day and forever. We owe it to them to
uncover what happened."
Charlie Sheen joins the rest of his great family and notably his father
Martin Sheen, who has lambasted for opposing the Iraq war before it had begun
yet has now been proven right in triplicate, in using his prominent public
platform to stand for truth and justice and we applaud and salute his brave
efforts, remembering Mark Twain's quote.
"In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man, brave, hated,
and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it
costs nothing to be a patriot."
CNN Produces
Balanced Piece On Sheen 9/11 Comments
911 Blogger | March 23 2006
Comment: We are amazed and flabbergasted by how fair this piece is and
it should help encourage other high profile figures in the public eye like
Charlie Sheen to come forward.

CNN Showbiz Tonight Covers Charlie Sheen and 9/11 Skepticism
( Right Click / Save as )
Real Media)
Tonight marks the first instance where those that question 9/11 were given a
fair shake at voicing their opinions. While little can be said in just 10
minutes of coverage, it was at the very least a reasonable discussion and an
important milestone for the 9/11 truth community. 911truth.org's media
coordinator Mike Berger did a great job with the short time he was allotted
while the host A.J. Hammer allowed for a good live discussion and avoided the
all-to-familiar Bill O'Reilly style of 'news'.
Despite the numerous questions surrounding 9/11 which have gone unmentioned
by the mainstream media for the last 4+ years, and the growing number of
respectable scholars, government officials, and family members demanding
answers - this is the first time a major news station has covered 9/11
questions in any reasonable format, even if it was on a Hollywood celebrity
show. If the mainstream media were to truly desire to cover 9/11 further I
would hope in the future they might consider a longer format so that all of the
news and facts they haven't bothered reporting over the last 4+ years might
have a chance to finally be seen and heard. (Hey Showtime and HBO, are you
I urge all of those who support 9/11 being further discussed by CNN and
their affiliates to contact them via their feedback form here. Be sure to
reference the host A.J. Hammer, and the show 'Showbiz Tonight'.
911 Links
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No Jetliner Hit
The Pentagon
'Suicide' Of Flight 11 Passenger's Wife
Discredits Prof Jones For 911 WTC Paper!
Two 911
Planes Were Never Deregistered
Still Doubt There Was A
Highest Level 911 Conspiracy?
Miraculous 9/11 Evidence Found!
Members Of Doomed 911 Flights'Strangely Silent'
Louis Freeh Charges 911 Commission Cover-Up
Prof. Jones
'Bows Out Of The Limelight'
Still More
'Miraculous 911 Evidence' Found!
Demo: BYU's Prof Jones Has Wide Academic Support
The 911 Hijackers -
What Are They Up To Now?
911 Dutch
Miraculous (Planted?) 911 Evidence Appears!
BYU Physics Prof's Blockbuster WTC Collapse Paper
Prominent Physics Prof Refutes Official 911 Story
Another Untold 911
Story - Missiles Fired From Woolworth's?
Jones Tallks To Arctic Beacon On WTC Demo
BYU Physics Professor - Bombs Brought Down WTC
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85 Pentagon Videos & 9/11 Truth
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ID - The 911 South Tower Airliner 'PODS'
Proof 911 Inside Job - Witnesses To WTC Explosives
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Reports Boeing 737s Struck WTC
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A 911 Checkmate - All The Proof You Need
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PageTOP ^
Actor & Director Ed Asner Says Govt 911 Story A Fable And Fraud

Highlights story of hijackers still alive and well
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex
Jones/Prison Planet.com | March 31 2006
Award winning director, producer and actor Ed Asner is the latest high
profile public figure to voice his support for Charlie Sheen's stance on 9/11
and share his own concerns about 9/11, the war in Iraq and the Neo-Cons.
Speaking to The Alex Jones Show Asner, best known for his Emmy-winning role
as Lou Grant on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, echoed Charlie Sheen's
sentiments in stating, "I became suspicious of 9/11 on the day it
"I will always be that suspect of it and challenge it and challenge various
points of it," said Asner.
Asner agreed that the official story of 9/11 and the Kean Commission
investigation was a fable and a fraud.
"I do not buy it and I would challenge it, I know all of these points....the
standing down," said Asner.
Asner questioned why no authority figures had been fired for their inability
to prevent 9/11.
"Nobody in high office has ever paid the penalty for keeping us unprepared
for 9/11, no one has paid the price and I cite the fact that Abu Ghraib was
another typical example of the way this government works," said Asner.
"It's very easy to think of 9/11 to think of being yet another cause of
being able to generate war in this country, " said Asner as he compared 9/11 to
past examples of manufactured provocations such as the Gulf of Tonkin incident,
the attack on the Maine and Pearl Harbor.

"Many of the purported hijackers are living persons elsewhere," said Asner
highlighting a story reported
by BBC and others that several of the so-called perpetrators of
9/11 visited their embassies in protest that they had been identified as
Asked who gained from 9/11 Asner answered, "Certainly the military has,
Halliburton, Brown and Root, Mr. Cheney's old outfit....the oil companies of
course now with record highs, and the White House is of course involved with
oil and the military and always has been."
Asner doubted that another terror attack needed to be staged in order to
accomplish more of the same agenda.
"They don't have to have another attack, if they indeed launched the first
one they have screwed up our country so badly they could just let us sink in
upon ourselves."
Asner questioned why CNN chose to cancel his scheduled spot on Showbiz
Tonight. After speaking to inside sources within CNN we were able to confirm
that the order came down from a higher office to "kill" the story, despite the
fact that the issue had generated the most interest Showbiz Tonight had ever
Asner is a true humanitarian and is an activist in the fields of missing US
PoW's, depleted uranium, which Asner suggested was a deliberate population
reduction method, and the fight to get the FDA to eliminate deadly thimerosal
mercury additives to vaccines.
His public stance on 9/11 and his support of Charlie Sheen helps in the
ongoing effort to encourage public figures with large media platforms to step
forward and become prominent voices for the 9/11 truth movement.
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